Friday, January 27, 2012

For those of you who still read this

I had to create a blog for one of my German classes and I am blogging from the perspective of Joseph Goebbels.

So don't be alarmed if this blog says I am now Goebbels.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I am moving. Far far away. To another site.


But for reals:
Chances are I will update a hell of a lot more.

Much love,

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ginger Problems

I'm back (way) sooner than I thought I would be.

This time I need a little help; I can't decide which ginger-related t-shirt to get. I know, major life choice right here. I don't know if any of you all have heard of the "Ginger Problems" twitter. If you have, fantastic, if not, check it out. The point of all that is that GP has ginger-themed t-shirts... and I want one. BUT I can't decide which one I want.

So here are they are:

The one I'm leaning towards
But do I want the lighter version?

Or the more bold tshirt

Yeah... such a tough choice. I'm going for the first one but I'm not quite certain.

(And I'm sorry for the amount of times I said "ginger" in this post. It wont happen again, I promise!)

A New Look

Why hello there!

It's one week before I head back to school and I've been a tad bored. I've been thinking that my blog has been a bit blah - I haven't updated in over a month, the name was boring, and I wasn't too keen on the template - and I thought to myself, "Ali, why don't you totally revamp your blog?!" And what do you know, I did!

So welcome to my new-ish blog!

Let's be real: I'm not going to update before I start school, but I'm hoping to write again before October. Once I get back to school, back in the thing of things, I'll update more often.

I'll leave you with some new Florence and the Machine until next time.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'm Back! (Hopefully)


Yeah, sorry about the absence in posting. I was initially going to post after I got back from vacation, but then I realized that my initial reasoning I started a blog was to communicate to my friends and family back home, but hey, I was back home. Then there were things I wanted to say but were a tad too long for a Facebook or Twitter post. So that's why I am back. I think this next year I'm going to look at this blog thing a little differently. Instead of just posting updates about what I've been doing, also write stuff about that I find interesting, upsetting, funny, etc.

Let's see how well I keep it up!

A bit of an flashback:
(Look, I've finally figured out how to post videos directly!)